The Early Church is a booklet written by Donald L Norbie. It compares religion in the old days and new era.Many feel a little nostalgic as they read the New Testament.Things then seemed so simple.Down through the years there have been individual congregations which have turned aside from the main current of Christendom and have determined to go back to the scriptures as a guide.They have been largely ignored by organizational christianity.
The early disciples were held together , not by membership in an organization ,but by devotion to a Person.They had heard the call of Christ and became His followers.Their whole life centered in Him,obeying Him,loving Him.This relationship was an intensely personal one.It revealed itself in a fanatical loyalty.
After Christ's ascension, new disciples drank of the same spirit.They preached in christ's name, baptized in His Name,gathered in His name,did miracles in His Name,soffered willingly for His name.
Believers today who catch this spirit turn away from all ecclesiatical brand names and delight to carry the Name of Christ before the world.
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